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‘Strive to grow, value, nurture, motivate’

Welcome to Middlewich Primary School

Middlewich Primary School is an established, successful and well-respected community school offering excellent education in a safe, nurturing environment. We pride ourselves on doing the best for every pupil. Your child is unique with their own individual personality, interests and abilities. In our happy, caring school all children will flourish and achieve their best academically. They will develop a wide range of skills including those which enable them to work with, and show respect towards others.

Mrs. G. Reynolds

Equality is very important to us at Middlewich Primary School. Our Year 6 School Council Representatives and the rest of our School Council have worked together with Mrs Davies (Deputy Head) to create our School Equality Pledge. This has been shared across the school in classes and during assemblies. All school council representatives have signed this pledge on behalf of their class. This pledge can be seen below: 

Equality Pledge.png

For any questions, queries or paper copies of any school documents or policies, please contact:

Mrs B Stephens (School Business Manager): 

01606 652321 

[email protected] 

Middlewich Primary School

Park Road, Middlewich, Cheshire CW10 9BS

Mrs B Stephens

Tel: 01606 652321Email: [email protected]

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